Six Ways To Reduce Car Costs During The Cost Of Living Crisis

Six Ways To Reduce Car Costs During The Cost Of Living Crisis

Six Ways To Reduce Car Costs During The Cost Of Living Crisis
Posted in Tips On By Aaron

In the current cost of living crisis, finding ways to save money and cut costs is more important than ever. One area where you can make a difference is in how you use your vehicle.

In the current cost of living crisis, finding ways to save money and cut costs is more important than ever. One area where you can make a difference is in how you use your vehicle. Here are six tips to help you use your car efficiently and keep costs down during the current cost of living crisis:

  • Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle
  • Keep up with a regular yearly maintenance
  • Avoid excessive idling when stopped
  • Drive smoothly and gently
  • Carpool with a coworker
  • Plan your trips out

Let's elaborate on these points a bit further below.

1. Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle

When buying a car, consider its fuel efficiency. A more fuel-efficient vehicle will save you money on petrol over time. It will also help reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.

According to the UK government, choosing a car that gets at least 40 miles per gallon (MPG) on the highway can save you over £200 per year on fuel costs compared to a car that gets 20 MPG. Some examples of fuel-efficient vehicles include hybrid cars, electric cars, and small cars with efficient engines. 

An extra £200 is nothing to scoff at. With the average single person's weekly food shopping being around £30-60, this means you are looking at around a full month's worth of food from just having a fuel-efficient vehicle.

Cars with hybrid systems such as mild hybrids or PHEVs can save you huge amounts of money thanks to their electric-only range (usually being around the 20-mile mark). This means you could potentially commute to and from work if you live nearby on electric power alone, rather than fuel.

An image of a Shell petrol station garage showing the petrol and diesel fuel pumps

2. Keep up with regular maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your car running smoothly and preventing costly repairs down the road. Maintenance tasks such as oil changes, tyre rotations, and brake inspections should be performed at regular intervals according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

In addition to preventing expensive repairs, regular maintenance can also help improve your car's fuel efficiency, saving you money on petrol over time. 

A healthy car that is running well will cost you less in the long run. You don't want your vehicle to break down costing you potentially thousands to fix. Whereas you could have just serviced it regularly to avoid this.

These days, most manufacturers have monthly packages so you don't need to pay for your service in a lump sum. For example, if your yearly service was £250, you can spread it out at £20.83 per month to pay it off instead. 

Check out this list by the RAC for a car maintenance checklist.

An image of a brake caliper and brake disc

3. Avoid excessive idling

Leaving your car idling for long periods of time can waste petrol and increase your fuel costs. If you're going to be stopped for more than a minute, turn off your engine. Restarting your car uses less petrol than letting it idle for an extended period.

If you have a stop/start feature on your vehicle, make sure this is switched on as you will benefit from it greatly. We know that many people actually turn it off due to preferring to be ready to go as soon as the traffic light turns green. But these days the stop/start tech has really progressed and there is a minimum delay compared to when the technology first came out. has a fantastic guide for various ways to improve your efficiency when driving.

An image of a car idling with the exhaust and exhaust gases in full view

4. Drive smoothly

Aggressive driving, such as speeding, rapid acceleration, and hard braking, can increase your fuel consumption and wear out your tyres faster. Try to accelerate and brake smoothly and maintain a consistent speed. Driving at a steady pace and avoiding sudden movements can help you save money on petrol and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle.

Aggressive acceleration and then aggressive braking not only makes your car's engine wear faster but also makes your brakes wear faster too. If you drive at a steady pace and brake gently from further away, you will ensure your brake pads get the maximum amount of life from them.

An image of a left hand drive car during motion

5. Carpool or use public transportation

Sharing a ride with coworkers or using public transportation can help you save money on fuel and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle. Carpooling is also an eco-friendly alternative that can help reduce your carbon footprint.

If public transportation is available in your area, it can be a convenient and cost-effective way to get around without having to worry about parking, traffic, or petrol costs. 

An easy way to tell if public transportation is worth it is to simply calculate how much money you are spending per week/month versus the cost of a bus or train ticket. If it's cheaper and public transportation is readily available, it may be worth the switch.

An image of two men sharing a car drive together

6. Plan your trips

Planning your errands and appointments in a way that minimizes your driving time and distances can help you save money on petrol and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle. Try to group your errands together and plan your routes to minimize backtracking and unnecessary driving. By taking a little time to plan your trips, you can save money and make your vehicle more efficient.

For example, if you and your partner do the grocery shopping on separate days, why not just lump them together on the same day so that you can use one vehicle and save on both fuel and mileage of using two vehicles?

An image of a map and some vehicles going in various directions on the map


In conclusion, by following these tips, you can help reduce the cost of owning and operating a vehicle, which can be a significant expense for many households. Choosing a fuel-efficient vehicle, keeping up with regular maintenance, avoiding excessive idling, driving smoothly, carpooling or using public transportation, and planning your trips can all help you save money and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle.

By adopting these habits, you can make your vehicle more efficient and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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