Audi Pre Sense is a safety technology package that is comprised of several different radar and collision detection methods that allow your car to perform automated interventions
Audi Pre Sense has been a feature of Audi vehicles since 2011. It has been instrumental in delivering faster-than-human automatic safety functions that allow your Audi to essentially save your car from a collision situation. Generally, most Audi Pre Sense features are baked into the car and don't need to be manually activated, but some such as Hold Assist can be manually stopped at your command.
With Audi Pre Sense you'll have peace of mind no matter the weather or road conditions. But what actually comes as standard with the Audi Pre Sense technology package? Let's take a look.
What Drivers Assistance Systems are included as part of Audi Pre Sense?
The Audi Pre Sense technology package includes and is not limited to:
- Turn Assist
- Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop&Go function
- Adaptive Cruise Assist
- Hold Assist
- Audi Active Lane Assist
- Audi AI Traffic Jam Pilot
- Audi Pre Sense 360
- Audi Pre Sense Basic
- Audi Pre Sense Front / Rear / Side
- Collision Avoidance Assist
- Curb Assist
- Audi Parking System Plus
What Audi vehicles contain the Audi Pre Sense system?
All Audi vehicles released in 2020 have the basic Audi Pre Sense system (Turn Assist, Lane Assist, Pre Sense 360? etc) as standard, however, some of them are optional extras such as Adaptive Cruise Control. Please check with your sales team member to find out what your Audi model comes with and whether there are options to upgrade.
What does the Audi Pre Sense system actually do?
Turn Assist
Turn Assist uses front cone radar sensors to monitor oncoming traffic when performing a right or left turn. Turn Assist is automatically activated when a car is moving from a stop or is driving slowly up to 6.2mph. Turn Assist is activated when an oncoming car is detected within collision distance as you attempt to turn. This automatic intervention will apply the brakes to prevent the car from hitting the oncoming vehicle, keeping your car within its own lane. An indicator on the digital cockpit will flash to tell you a Turn Assist intervention has taken place.
Adaptive cruise control (with Stop&Go function)
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is a function that allows drivers to relax during long-distance journeys. It essentially maintains a preset distance from the vehicles in front by constantly adjusting your acceleration and control system dynamics with Audi Drive Select (a driving mode selector). This means you can enjoy long journeys without having to physically brake when traffic ahead starts slowing down. ACC works by using a cone radar sensor at the front as well as a front camera which is used to measure the distance between your car and the vehicle in front.
The system works from 18.6mph all the way up to 155.3mph. Even when the ACC system is switched off the adaptive sensor will blink on the digital cockpit to let you know if you're too close (tailgating) the vehicle in front.
Adaptive Cruise Assist
Adaptive Cruise Assist (ACA) assists the driver by permanently monitoring the vehicle's surroundings with a cone radar sensor, laser scanner, front and rear cameras and ultrasonic sensors. This helps the Audi's onboard computer to create a visual image of what is happening around the car and detect things including lane markings, roadside structures, vehicles in nearby lanes and vehicles ahead. This entire system is able to 'take over' your vehicle and input direct commands without your input. The automatic inventions include keeping your vehicle in the middle of the lane based on the lane markings, keeping a distance from vehicles in front of you with variable acceleration and automatic braking if an imminent collision is detected.
Hold Assist
Hold Assist is a simple function that is able to detect if your vehicle is on an incline or decline and automatically activate the electromechanical parking brake. This safety feature ensures your car won't roll backwards or forwards based on the incline you've stopped on. The system is automatically deactivated once you've pressed the acceleration pedal down and reached a specific amount of RPMs. It won't activate until it reaches the RPM limit, in case you've accidentally tapped it whilst stopping. This feature is set to on by default but can be switched off if you prefer to you the handbrake or footbrake on inclined stops.
Audi Active Lane Assist
Audi Active Lane Assist operates from 40.4mph and upwards. It scans the road in front of you as well as the road markings to build up an image of where your car is meant to be within the centre of the lane. Any time the car moves from the lane or the wheels exit the lane the Active Lane Assist intervention kicks in and will gently (but noticeably) steer the car back into the centre of the lane you were in.
The system is smart and detects inputs based on how the steering wheel is moved. If you're moving into the right lane with the indicator on the system will not activate. If you move into the right lane with a strong right turn through the steering wheel, the system will not activate. It will, however, activate if you are slowly drifting the steering wheel whilst trying to stay within the same lane. Audi Active Lane Assist is switched on by default but can be disabled within the menu.
Audi Pre Sense 360
The Audi Pre Sense 360 function simply measures collision detection and hazards all around the car. Pre Sense 360 constantly feeds data of what's happening around the car into the onboard computer system. On its own, it doesn't have any automatic interventions, but it does include the following four driver assistance systems which all have automatic safety interventions in place:
- Audi Pre Sense Basic
- Audi Pre Sense Front
- Audi Pre Sense Rear
- Audi Pre Sense Side
Audi Pre Sense Basic
Audi Pre Sense Basic is a set of safety measures designed to fully protect the driver and passengers in the event of what it calls a 'critical driving state'. It utilises information from Pre Sense 360? to determine whether a critical driving state is taking place. A critical driving state could mean continuous and out-of-control skidding, emergency braking and geometrical anomalies such as the car tipping to one side. The Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC) is able to detect skidding and hard braking and automatically apply safety interventions.
The safety interventions include pretension (tightening) of the occupant's seat belts in order to prevent forward or side-to-side movements. The side windows are automatically closed as well as the sunroof if it's open. In addition, the hazard lights are automatically enabled to warn other drivers of the danger ahead.
Audi Pre Sense Front / Rear / Side
Audi Pre Sense Front, Rear and Side functions take data from cone radar sensors and cameras to compute the probability of a collision. The function has the ability to automatically apply the brakes if a collision is imminent. This can be anything from a vehicle in front suddenly stopping, a pedestrian running into the road, cyclists and stationary objects such as buildings. The initial warnings are visual alerts on your digital cockpit and acoustic and haptic sounds played within the car. Failure to notice the warnings will result in an intervention of speed reduction. If this still isn't enough to prevent a collision the car will automatically activate a full emergency stop and activate the Audi Pre Sense basic features listed above.
Collision Avoidance Assist
Collision Avoidance Assist uses data from two large conal radar sensors and the front camera. It uses this data to create an image of the front vehicle as well as what's around the vehicle. It does this to calculate whether there is a space to perform a collision avoidance manoeuvre in the event of an accident in front. For example, if you were travelling on the motorway in the middle lane and there's an accident with the car in front of you as well on the left lane, your Collision Avoidance Assist will automatically steer your car into the direction of the right lane to avoid the accident. This is enough for you to notice which way the car is directing you, you can then manually input more steering to successfully evade a collision situation.
Curb Assist
Curb Assist is a simple function that identifies risks to the alloys and tyres of your Audi. The system is only activated from up to 6.2mph and uses the Pre Sense 360 sensors and cameras to gather data on your situation. If the system detects a critical driving state (I.E. you're about to hit the curb) it will alert the driver via your digital cockpit as well as audible warning sounds within. This function doesn't have an automatic intervention such as braking.
Audi Parking System Plus
Audi Parking System Plus informs the driver visually and audibly about potential obstacles at the front and rear during parking. Using sensors and front and rear cameras, the system is able to calculate if your current trajectory is going to hit an object when parking the vehicle. Thanks to the Pre Sense 360? cameras, you will have a top-down view of your car whilst parking which is real-time and shows on your centre touchscreen. Showing you exactly how close you are coming to the objects to the rear and in front. The centre touchscreen will also show virtual driving paths, which show the best lines for success when parking. An audible beep will constantly sound as you move closer to the rear or front object. Getting closer will cause the beep to get faster. Any time the beep is a continuous tone it means you must stop as a collision is imminent.
In summary
The Audi Pre Sense and driver assistance systems are a huge plus to anyone who is after safety and peace of mind first and foremost. These safety systems allow your driving to be much more secure, regardless of your attentiveness at the time. Anyone can suffer from driving fatigue or fatigue in general from a long day. Audi has invested in their safety intervention systems to ensure their customers are always protected whatever the situation. If you want to know more about Audi's advanced technologies, visit the official Audi website to find out more.
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