Am I Eligible For Salary Sacrifice?

Participation in a salary sacrifice scheme is generally available to employees, but there are specific criteria and conditions that need to be met. Here's a detailed look at who can take part in these schemes:

1. Employees with a Contract of Employment

Salary sacrifice schemes are typically available to employees who have a formal contract of employment with their employer. This includes:

  • Full-Time Employees: Those working on a full-time basis with a permanent contract.
  • Part-Time Employees: Part-time employees are also eligible, provided they meet the necessary salary requirements after the sacrifice.
  • Fixed-Term Employees: Employees on fixed-term contracts can participate as long as their contract duration covers the length of the salary sacrifice agreement.

2. Sufficient Salary Level

To participate in a salary sacrifice scheme, employees must have a sufficient level of salary to allow for the reduction. Specifically:

  • Minimum Wage Compliance: After the salary sacrifice is applied, the employee’s salary must not fall below the National Minimum Wage (NMW) or National Living Wage (NLW). Employers must ensure that the reduced salary still meets these legal wage requirements.
  • Adequate Take-Home Pay: Employees should ensure that their reduced salary covers essential living costs and personal financial commitments.

3. Employer Participation

Not all employers offer salary sacrifice schemes. Participation depends on:

  • Employer’s Policy: The employer must have a salary sacrifice scheme in place and offer the specific benefits that employees can exchange their salary for.
  • Scheme Availability: The types of benefits available through salary sacrifice (e.g., pension contributions, car leasing, childcare vouchers) depend on what the employer has arranged with providers.

4. Employee Consent

Participation in a salary sacrifice scheme is voluntary and requires the employee’s consent. Employees must:

  • Agree to the Terms: Employees need to formally agree to the salary sacrifice arrangement, typically through a written agreement that outlines the terms and conditions.
  • Understand the Implications: Employees should fully understand how the salary sacrifice will affect their gross and net pay, tax liabilities, and eligibility for other benefits.

5. Eligibility for Specific Benefits

Certain benefits may have additional eligibility criteria. For example:

  • Pension Contributions: There might be age-related criteria or limits on contributions that affect eligibility.
  • Childcare Vouchers: Only parents with children below a certain age may qualify for childcare vouchers.


Participation in a salary sacrifice scheme is primarily available to employees who meet the following criteria:

  • They have a formal employment contract.
  • Their salary remains above the minimum wage after the sacrifice.
  • Their employer offers a salary sacrifice scheme.
  • They consent to the arrangement and understand its implications.

Employers must ensure compliance with legal wage requirements and provide clear information to employees about the benefits and potential impacts of salary sacrifice. For employees, it’s crucial to assess their financial situation and long-term goals to determine if salary sacrifice is a beneficial option.